

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

Solemnly declare that our company's name and qualifications have been falsely used or stolen by other units


Since April this year, our company has discovered that someone has impersonated or stolen our company's qualifications to sign various contracts and documents, seriously damaging our business reputation. In view of this, our company solemnly declares:

Anyone without formal authorization from our company has no right to engage in any business activities related to our company. Any official documents, contracts, and written materials signed under the name and qualifications of our company are not recognized by our company, and all legal responsibilities shall be borne by the user themselves; The civil, criminal, and administrative liabilities arising from this shall be borne by the responsible party and shall not be related to our company. Our company reserves the right to pursue relevant legal responsibilities against any website, organization, or individual who falsely uses our company's name and qualifications for illegal activities.

Hereby declare that


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