

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

Cleaning and Inspection of Diesel Generator Exhaust Gas Turbocharger


1. Cleaning of diesel generator exhaust turbocharger.

(1) It is not allowed to use corrosive cleaning liquids to clean various components

(2) Soak the parts in cleaning solution to soften the carbon and sediment deposits. Among them, the middle bright return oil is lighter than the accumulated dirt at the inner turbine end

(3) Only use a plastic scraper or bristle brush to clean or scrape aluminum and copper components

(4) If steam impact cleaning is used, the journal and other bearing surfaces should be protected

(5) Apply compressed air to clean the lubricating oil channels on all components

2. Inspection of diesel generator exhaust turbocharger

Do not clean all parts before visual inspection in order to analyze the cause of damage. List the main components to be inspected below.

(1) Floating bearings. Observe the wear of the end face and inner and outer surfaces of the floating ring. In general, after long-term operation, the lead tin layer plated on the inner and outer surfaces still exists, and the grinding period on the outer surface is longer than that on the inner surface. There are slight wear marks on the end face with oil grooves, which are all normal conditions. The grooves on the working surface of the floating ring are caused by unclean lubricating oil. If the surface scratches are severe or exceed the wear limit after measurement, it is recommended to replace the floating ring with a new one.

(2) Intermediate shell. Observe whether there are any scratches or carbon deposits on the surfaces adjacent to the back of the compressor impeller and the back of the turbine impeller. If there is friction, significant wear on the floating bearing, and damage to the surface of the bearing inner hole seat, it is necessary to use a corresponding grinding rod to grind the inner hole or gently wipe the surface of the inner hole with metallographic sand to remove traces of copper and lead substances adhering to the inner hole surface. Only after passing the measurement can it be continued to be used, and the reasons for the above adverse conditions should be analyzed.

(3) The turbine rotates on the shaft. When rotating on the work shaft neck and touching its working surface with a mobile phone, there should be no obvious grooves; Observe the accumulation of carbon at the sealing ring groove of the turbine end and the wear of the side wall of the ring groove; Observe whether the inlet and outlet edges of the turbine blades are bent or cracked; Whether there are cracks at the outlet edge of the blade and whether there are curling burrs caused by friction at the tip of the blade; Is there any collision or abrasion on the back of the turbine blades.

(4) Compressor impeller. Inspect the back of the impeller and the tip of the blade for any signs of collision or friction; Check if the blades are bent or cracked; Is there any crack or foreign object damage on the edge of the blade inlet and outlet

(5) Vaneless volute and compressor casing. Check for any scratches or foreign objects on the curved parts of each shell. Pay attention to the degree of oil deposition on the surface of each flow channel and analyze the reasons for the above adverse conditions.

(6) Elastic sealing ring. Check the wear and carbon deposits on both sides of the sealing ring during operation. Measure the thickness of the ring and the gap between the openings in the free state should not be less than 2mm. If it is less than the above value and the thickness of the ring exceeds the specified wear limit, it should be replaced

(7) Thrust plates and thrust bearings. There should be no obvious grooves felt by fingers on the working surface. At the same time, check if there is any blockage in the oil inlet hole of the thrust bearing, and measure the axial thickness of each component to meet the specified size range. If there are obvious signs of wear on the working surface of the thrust pads but the wear limit value is not exceeded, the other unworn surface of the two thrust pads can be installed as the working surface one by one during reassembly.

(8) Compressor end sealing plate and intermediate shell. Inspect the contact area between the elastic sealing ring and the seat hole at the turbine end for any signs of wear.

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