

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

Work before starting a new or overhauled diesel engine - First start


1. Refueling the fuel system

1) Fill the fuel filter with clean No.2 diesel, which should meet the standard specifications

2) Remove the fuel pump suction pipe and lubricate the gear pump gears with clean lubricating oil

3) Check and fill the fuel tank

4) If the adjustment of fuel injectors, valves, or other parts is affected during some maintenance work, be sure to check whether these components are properly adjusted before starting the diesel engine

2. Add lubrication system

Note: For diesel engines with turbochargers, remove the oil inlet pipe from the turbocharger, add 50-60ml of clean lubricating oil to lubricate the bearings, and then reinstall the oil transfer pipe.

1) Add oil to the crankcase to the low (L) mark on the oil dipstick

2) Remove the plug from the cross oil passage of the 6BT diesel engine oil and remove the plug from the head of the V-shaped diesel engine oil filter housing. For KTTA diesel engines, remove the screw plug at the front of the oil cooling housing

Attention: Do not add oil to the lubrication system of the diesel engine from the bypass filter

3) Connect the manual or electric fuel injection pump oil pipe from a clean lubricating oil source to the plug protrusion on the housing.

4) Start the oil pump until the minimum oil pressure reaches 207kpa

5) Rotate the diesel engine for at least 15 seconds (close the fuel shut-off valve or remove the fuel pipe to avoid starting), and maintain a minimum external oil pressure of 103 kPa during this period.

6) Remove the external oil pipe and reinstall the screw plug.

Attention: If there is oil overflow when filling or adding oil to the crankcase, it should be cleaned.

7) Add oil to the crankcase up to the high (H) mark on the oil dipstick. For new or newly overhauled diesel engines, do not change the type and viscosity of the oil

There are high (H) and low (L) marks engraved on the oil dipstick of the diesel engine to indicate the amount of oil in the crankcase. The original oil dipstick must be used to activate the diesel engine.

3. Check the hydraulic governor

Many diesel engines used in fixed power units are equipped with hydraulic speed regulating fuel pumps, which use lubricating oil as an energy medium. The lubricating oil specifications are the same as those used in diesel engines. The oil in the governor oil reservoir must be added to the full mark on the oil dipstick.

4. Check the air pipe joint

Check the pipe connections to the air compressor and air equipment (if used), as well as to the air filter and air pipes, all of which must be securely fastened.

5. Check the coolant level of the diesel engine

1) Remove the heat sink or heat exchanger cover. Check the coolant level of the diesel engine. Add if necessary.

2) Check for coolant leakage and open the shut-off valve of the coolant filter.

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