

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

What should I do if the diesel generator battery is not charged for some reason?


Batteries are the main power source in diesel generators. An impeccable and regularly charged battery will ensure that your diesel generator can start smoothly at any time of the year. So where do we get the charging, in other words, what charges the battery of the diesel generator?

Charging the battery from the generator

During the operation of diesel generators, the power generation assembly generates charging voltage, which is also the main resource for charging battery packs. The charging process of the engine battery should be carried out without interfering with the environment, completely eliminating the possibility of electrolyte overflow in the tank.

What kind of charging should be carried out from the generator to the battery?

How long must the generator charge the battery in order to ensure the full operation of the generator? It is widely believed that a power generation assembly with a charging current matching at least 10% of the driver's own capacity is sufficient to completely supplement the battery's energy source. In other words, for mechanical equipment with a capacity of 70 amperes per hour, the power generation system must emit a charging current of at least 7 amperes, which will be necessary for the normal battery charging of the motor.

If a larger energy storage unit is applied, the current generated during the operation of the automatic converter may not be sufficient to fully recover energy consumption. This may cause battery discharge and engine start issues in the future. Furthermore, it should be noted that the load of all electrical appliances integrated into the machinery - the power source also has an obligation to respond.

How does an ordinary diesel generator operator check if the generator is charging the battery?

Destruction of ABC terminal - When a generator failure occurs, the engine immediately shuts down (only suitable for mechanical ignition systems).

Short circuit to ground in the positive pole for a short time - spark detection.

When diagnosing contemporary diesel generators, these techniques should not be applied - mastering the unit, fuse, or diode bridge is instantly ineffective.

How to use a multimeter to check the charging environment of a generator?

Monitor the operating environment of the power generation assembly and diagnose the current, voltage, and resistance values at least twice a year.

How to check if the battery is charged?

There are two techniques for diagnosing potential differences:

1. Simply put it on the generator winding. Through the battery unit, the energy generation source is closely related to the battery unit and continues through large cross-sectional wires.

2. Continue the instrument wires in random order to the ABC terminal and determine the network voltage, which should not be lower than 12V. In a completely power off environment, when the motor is unloaded, the allowable voltage is limited to 13.5-14v. In this environment, the decrease or increase in error may not exceed 0.2.

How long does it take for the battery to charge from the generator?

When the engine is running, the generator generates electricity to supplement energy in the battery. The charging duration depends on several specifications:

Environmental air temperature;

Battery surplus power;

Its application lifespan;

Generate the charging current value of the source.

When the diesel generator operates precisely, the battery energy can be used to start the engine or ensure the operation of the electrical appliances when the engine is shut down. So, when the engine is running, regardless of whether the machinery is running or not, the drive will start charging to restore energy reserves.

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