

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

What are the classifications of diesel generator sets?


There are many types of diesel generator sets, mainly classified into the following eight categories:

(1) According to the fuel classification of the generator, it can be classified into diesel generator sets and composite fuel generator sets;

(2) Classified by speed: it can be divided into high-speed, medium speed, and low-speed diesel generator sets;

(3) According to the classification of usage conditions, diesel generator sets can be divided into land use, marine use, trailer type, and automotive type;

(4) According to the classification of generator output voltage and frequency, it can be divided into AC generator sets and DC generator sets;

(5) According to the excitation method of synchronous generators, they can be classified into rotating AC excitation machines and static excitation machines;

(6) Classified by purpose: commonly used units, standby units, emergency units;

(7) Classified by control and operation methods: it can be divided into on-site operation generator sets, compartment operation generator sets, and automated generator sets;

(8) According to the classification of automation functions, it can be divided into basic diesel generator sets, automatic start diesel generator sets, and micro automatic control diesel generator sets.

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