

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

What are the reasons for the abnormal operation of diesel generator sets


During normal operation, if an abnormal situation is suddenly discovered in a diesel generator set, it should be dealt with according to the specific situation.

(1) When the diesel generator encounters the following situations, it can be checked for faults without stopping the machine and eliminated in a timely manner.

① When the oil pressure, oil temperature, and cooling water inlet/outlet temperature of a diesel generator are too low or too high, the lubrication and cooling systems can be checked for faults. If any faults are found, they should be dealt with in a timely manner. If they cannot be dealt with for a long time, a shutdown inspection should be requested.

② When the unit needs to operate at an overload due to special circumstances, it can run continuously for 1 hour within the range of 110% of the rated load. If the time is too long, it needs to be shut down or operated at reduced load.

③ Due to significant load fluctuations and abnormal vibrations caused by diesel generators, it is necessary to promptly contact the duty room to adjust the load or follow the instructions of the duty room.

(2) If the diesel generator encounters the following situations, it should be stopped immediately, and the cause of the fault should be carefully checked and eliminated as soon as possible. If the cause cannot be found, it is not allowed to restart the unit.

① When the oil pressure or cooling water pressure completely disappears and cannot be immediately restored.

② When the oil temperature or cooling water temperature is very high and continues to rise.

③ When the speed is too high, the overspeed safety device cannot function, the sound is abnormal, and there is a trend of "speeding".

④ There is a strong knocking sound inside the diesel generator.

(3) When the generator encounters the following situations, it can continue to operate, but the cause should be identified as soon as possible and efforts should be made to eliminate it. When unable to handle it temporarily, it is necessary to contact the duty room and handle it according to the opinions of the duty room.

① When the generator is operating at overload but has not exceeded the allowable overload limit or exceeded the allowable time.

② If there are some abnormal indications in the generator measuring instruments, and it is determined that it is not a generator fault, the instrument wiring and the instrument itself can be checked during operation to identify the cause and promptly eliminate it.

③ The temperature rise of the generator or exciter exceeds the allowable value within the rated load.

④ When the power station experiences a point of grounding or excessive three-phase unbalanced current due to other reasons below the main switch of the generator, it can continue to operate and identify the fault for handling. If it is due to load imbalance, you can contact the duty room to handle it in a timely manner or operate within the allowable range.

(4) When the generator encounters the following situations during normal operation, it is necessary to immediately disconnect the main switch of the generator (cut off the load to make the generator no-load) or stop the unit immediately.

① When the unit load is too high and exceeds the allowable overload limit value and cannot be quickly eliminated, the main switch should be immediately disconnected.

② When the diesel generator malfunctions and needs to be stopped, the main switch of the generator must be disconnected first.

③ When the generator is running in parallel, if it is found to be out of step and cannot return to normal within 1 minute, the switch should be immediately disconnected. In severe cases, the generator may become an electric motor, and the main switch should also be immediately disconnected.

④ When there is a phase to phase short circuit in the power supply line and the generator protection device cannot operate, the main switch should be immediately disconnected. If a short circuit occurs before the main switch, in addition to disconnecting the main switch, the power supply should also be stopped immediately.

⑤ If there is a short circuit in the power supply line that cannot be eliminated within 1 hour, the main switch should be disconnected, the cause of the fault should be checked, and it should be promptly resolved.

⑥ When it is suddenly discovered that the excitation circuit of the motor is powered off and there is no excitation current, causing the terminal voltage to be zero, the switch should be immediately disconnected. Diesel generator sets may encounter various faults during operation, and effective measures should be taken promptly based on the severity of the situation.

Guangzhou Saiwei Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise specializing in design, production, and generator installation. Guangzhou Saiwei has many years of experience in engineering design and installation services. For many years, Guangzhou Saiwei has been committed to providing every customer with comprehensive products and energy solutions, including technical consulting, whole machine and generator supply, operation training, etc., with leading technology and first-class quality. The product range covers land diesel generator sets, marine generator sets, high-voltage generator sets, etc., and is widely used in industries such as power, communication, iron towers, healthcare, financial systems, data centers, etc. Welcome to inquire: 13302262088

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