

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

How to choose lubricating oil for diesel generator sets?


The oil used in diesel generator sets becomes lubricating oil. During the operation of diesel generator sets, friction occurs between various components. These frictions can easily consume the power of diesel generators and generate a large amount of heat, leading to various faults in diesel generators. At this point, lubricating oil is needed for lubrication. So how to choose lubricating oil for diesel generator sets?

When choosing lubricating oil, we need to choose the appropriate viscosity level of lubricating oil based on the temperature in the area where the diesel generator set is used. If used in non cold regions, we can use No. 30 engine oil regardless of the season. If you are in a sub zero cold area, the lubricating oil for diesel generator sets needs to be selected based on temperature.

When the ambient temperature is -15 ℃, we should choose to use 20W-40 engine oil;

When the ambient temperature is -20 ℃, we should choose to use 15W-40 engine oil;

When the ambient temperature is -25 ℃, we should choose to use 10W-40 engine oil;

When the ambient temperature is -30 ℃, we should choose to use 0W-40 engine oil.

The above is how to choose lubricating oil for diesel generator sets. Remind everyone to choose according to the temperature of the usage area, in order to reduce the wear of diesel generator components and extend the service life of diesel generator sets.

Guangzhou Saiwei Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise specializing in design, production, and generator installation. Guangzhou Saiwei has many years of experience in engineering design and installation services. For many years, Guangzhou Saiwei has been committed to providing every customer with comprehensive products and energy solutions, including technical consulting, whole machine and generator supply, operation training, etc., with leading technology and first-class quality. The product range covers land diesel generator sets, marine generator sets, high-voltage generator sets, etc., and is widely used in industries such as power, communication, iron towers, healthcare, financial systems, data centers, etc. Welcome to inquire: 13302262088

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