

Comprehensive product and energy solutions

JD Asia No.1 Machong Logistics Park Project


JD Logistics has fully invested in Dongguan Asia No.1, the largest integrated intelligent logistics center in Asia. The building area of the center is nearly 500000 square meters, with a daily order processing capacity of 1.6 million orders. The automatic three-dimensional warehouse can simultaneously store over 20 million pieces of medium-sized goods. The operation of Dongguan Asia No.1 will promote the convenient services provided by "24-hour delivery" to over 100 million people in southern China, accelerate the circulation of goods and supply chain upgrading in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area through the clustering effect of intelligent logistics centers, and provide important assistance for local enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, as well as innovation and development in the Greater Bay Area. At the same time, JD Logistics Asia No.1 Intelligent Logistics Park has been put into operation for 25 units within 5 years, forming the largest intelligent warehouse group in the Asian e-commerce logistics field, becoming a symbol of intelligent iteration of logistics infrastructure in China and a benchmark for the construction of integrated intelligent logistics parks worldwide.

In 2020, for the JD Dongguan Asia No.1 Logistics Park project, we purchased two 750KW power generators and a fully automatic grid connected system (with a grid connected power of 1500KW) from our company, as well as an environmental noise reduction project for the computer room.


富源县| 新兴县| 武乡县| 平利县| 拜城县| 民勤县| 红河县| 津市市| 长兴县| 壤塘县| 五河县| 阿勒泰市| 香河县| 开阳县| 梨树县| 深水埗区| 怀化市| 道真| 集贤县| 沅江市| 鲜城| 铁岭市| 庆云县| 祁连县| 滨海县| 盘山县| 泽库县| 荆门市| 谷城县| 武隆县| 武城县| 无极县| 周至县| 衡阳县| 通河县| 错那县| 石楼县| 项城市| 阿图什市| 邵阳市| 建阳市|