

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

Precautions for the use and emission of diesel generator set coolant


The correct filling and emission of coolant (antifreeze) in diesel generator sets have a significant impact on extending the lifespan of diesel generator sets when using them. We have the following precautions when using and discharging the cooling fluid of the generator set:

NO.1 Do not start before adding water

Some users who use diesel generator sets often adopt the method of starting first and then adding water due to environmental factors (no water source or distant water source), and the unit needs to be used urgently. This method causes great damage to the unit. After the diesel generator set starts dry, due to the lack of cooling water in the body, various components of the unit engine quickly heat up, especially the temperature at the cylinder head and the water jacket outside the diesel engine injector is particularly high. If cooling water is added at this time, the cylinder head and water jacket are prone to cracking or deformation due to sudden cooling. When the temperature of the diesel generator set is too high, the load of the diesel generator set should be removed first and then run at low speed. When the water temperature is normal, cooling water should be added.

NO.2 Do not use hard water

Hard water mainly refers to well water, spring water, and tap water. The mineral content in hard water is high, and these minerals are easily deposited on the radiator wall, water jacket, and water channel wall when heated, forming scale and rust, which reduces the heat dissipation capacity of the unit and easily leads to overheating of the unit engine. Jiangsu Xingguang Company suggests that users choose clean soft water, which usually includes rainwater, snow water, and river water. These waters contain fewer minerals and are suitable for use by the engine of the unit.

Attention: If hard water is used, it must be softened in advance. The softening methods usually include heating and adding alkaline solution.

NO.3 When boiling, prevent burns

After the heat sink of the unit is turned on, do not blindly open the water tank cover to prevent burns.

The correct approach is:

1) Idle for a while before turning off the generator. Wait for the temperature of the generator set to decrease and the pressure of the water tank to decrease before turning on the radiator cap.

2) When unscrewing, cover the lid with a towel or car towel to prevent hot water or steam from spraying onto the face or body.

3) It is strictly prohibited to look down at the water tank with your head facing it. After turning it on, quickly remove your hand. When there is no hot air or steam, remove the water tank cover to prevent burns.

NO.4 Do not discharge water from the unit at high temperatures

When the engine runs for a long time and the temperature difference between the unit and the external environment is too large, the coolant should be discharged 15-30 minutes after shutdown when the water temperature drops. If the discharge is carried out immediately after shutdown, the diesel generator set will deform some components of the unit due to the large temperature difference between the body and the external environment, which will affect the performance of the diesel engine.

NO.5 Check if the drainage outlet is blocked

When discharging water, attention should be paid to investigating the detailed condition of the water flow in the surrounding area. The first step is to check whether the water flow is smooth, and to see if there is any phenomenon of the water flow becoming smaller, faster, and slower. If these conditions occur, it indicates that the cooling water contains impurities that hinder the normal flow of water. The best way to do so is to remove the drain switch and allow the cooling water to flow out directly from the body. If the water flow is still not smooth, hard and slender steel objects such as iron wire can be used to clear it until the water flow is smooth.

NO.6 water discharge is about to be completed, and how many revolutions of the diesel engine will be made in time and space

When the cooling water stops flowing out, it indicates that the water discharge work is about to be completed. At this time, the diesel generator set should be idle for a few turns using the diesel engine starting motor, so that the remaining water inside and the water that is not easy to flow out can be drained away by the vibration of the diesel engine. After the water discharge is completed, the water discharge switch should be in an open position to prevent the cooling water from temporarily flowing out and freezing the corresponding components of the diesel engine, causing unnecessary losses.

Guangzhou Saiwei Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise specializing in the design, production, and installation of generators. Guangzhou Saiwei has many years of experience in engineering design and installation services. For many years, Guangzhou Saiwei has been committed to providing every customer with comprehensive products and energy solutions, including technical consulting, whole machine and generator supply, operation training, etc., with leading technology and first-class quality. The product range covers land diesel generator sets, marine generator sets, high-voltage generator sets, etc., and is widely used in industries such as power, communication, iron towers, healthcare, financial systems, data centers, etc. Welcome to inquire: 13302262088

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