

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

What impact does ambient temperature have on diesel generators



When the ambient atmospheric pressure decreases, the temperature increases, and the relative humidity increases, the amount of dry air sucked into the diesel engine cylinder will decrease, and the power of the diesel engine will decrease. On the contrary, the power of the diesel engine will increase. So when the ambient temperature is too low, when the cooling water temperature in the water tank is too low, the temperature of the lubricating oil decreases accordingly. When the temperature is low, the viscosity of the oil is higher, and its fluidity deteriorates. This not only increases the wear of the parts of the diesel generator set, but also increases the mechanical power loss due to the increased movement resistance of the parts, resulting in a decrease in the output power of the diesel generator set.

If the ambient temperature is too low, the cylinder temperature will be very low, and the water vapor inside the cylinder will easily condense on the cylinder wall. When the sulfur dioxide generated during diesel generator combustion encounters the water condensed on the cylinder wall, it will become a strong corrosive agent and adhere to the cylinder wall. Therefore, the surface of the cylinder wall will be strongly corroded, leading to loose metal structure on its surface; When the cylinder liner and piston ring rub and scrape against each other, the loose metal on the surface of the corrosion layer will quickly wear and fall off, or corrosion points and pits will appear on the working surface of the cylinder liner.

The increase in heat loss leads to an increase in fuel consumption. When diesel generator sets operate at low temperatures, the cooling water takes away a large amount of heat energy from the cylinder, resulting in increased heat loss; The mixture cannot form and burn well, and fuel consumption will increase by 8% to 10%; After entering the cylinder in the form of droplets, the fuel will flush the lubricating oil film on the cylinder wall and penetrate into the crankcase, increasing the wear of parts, diluting the lubricating oil in the oil pan, increasing fuel consumption, and reducing power output.

The combustion deteriorates and the overall performance of the machine deteriorates. Some thermally expanded parts do not expand to the appropriate size due to low temperatures, which affects the overall performance of the machine, such as large gaps between pistons and cylinders and poor sealing; The valve clearance is too large and is subject to rocker arm impact, making it difficult for the diesel generator to start. When working in a diesel engine, the high temperature of the compressed gas is a necessary condition to ensure fuel ignition. When the temperature of components such as cylinders and pistons decreases, it will cause a decrease in the final compression temperature, ignition delay, and deterioration of combustion conditions, resulting in incomplete fuel combustion, rough operation of diesel generators, and exhaust smoke.

Guangzhou Saiwei Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise specializing in the design, production, and installation of generators. Guangzhou Saiwei has many years of experience in engineering design and installation services. For many years, Guangzhou Saiwei has been committed to providing every customer with comprehensive products and energy solutions, including technical consulting, whole machine and generator supply, operation training, etc., with leading technology and first-class quality. The product range covers land diesel generator sets, marine generator sets, high-voltage generator sets, etc., and is widely used in industries such as power, communication, iron towers, healthcare, financial systems, data centers, etc. Welcome to inquire: 13302262088

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