

Comprehensive product and energy solutions

Huidong County People's Hospital Project Engineering



In 2017, the newly established campus purchased 2 emergency generator sets and 1 set of fully automatic parallel system from our company, Cummins Power, to be placed in the negative first floor generator room, and 2 combat readiness generator sets and 1 set of fully automatic parallel system from Cummins Power, to be placed in the second floor generator room.

Huidong County People's Hospital (Guangdong Medical University Affiliated Huidong Hospital) is located in Gaoqiao Shuidi, Huangpai Community, Pingshan Street, Huidong County, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province. It was founded in 1958 and covers an area of 89300 square meters with a total construction area of approximately 127500 square meters. It is a tertiary comprehensive hospital that integrates medical treatment, prevention, teaching, scientific research, health care, and rehabilitation. It is a designated hospital for medical insurance and new rural cooperative medical care in Huidong County.

卢氏县| 泸西县| 阿克陶县| 察隅县| 张家港市| 县级市| 绥中县| 德清县| 镇原县| 怀安县| 白朗县| 青浦区| 铜梁县| 郧西县| 五常市| 广丰县| 准格尔旗| 武夷山市| 阿拉善盟| 崇明县| 望奎县| 黑龙江省| 聂荣县| 图们市| 武川县| 会宁县| 绥江县| 珠海市| 苍山县| 台湾省| 宁津县| 涟源市| 随州市| 平原县| 池州市| 轮台县| 精河县| 高平市| 双牌县| 句容市| 辽源市|