

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

Tips for repairing diesel generator faults


Today, the editor of Saiwei Energy will share with you some tips for repairing diesel generators when they malfunction:

1、 What is the reason why diesel engines cannot start? How to exclude it?

The main reason why diesel engines cannot start is due to air in the fuel system; Filter blockage; The oil pump cannot keep up with the supply of oil; Poor fuel spray atomization; The fuel supply advance angle is incorrect; Severe piston wear and gas leakage; The combustion chamber is not tightly sealed; The temperature at the end of piston compression is low; Sealing or jamming of piston rings, etc.

Exclusion method:

1. Remove air from the fuel system and check for any leaks in the system.

2. Check the plunger and select the oil valve, while maintaining the primary and secondary fuel filters.

3. Check the opening pressure of fuel injector and the condition of spray, and check the plunger of banyan oil pump.

4. Check the wear of the fuel injection pump outlet valve or whether the outlet valve spring is deformed or broken.

5. Check and adjust the fuel supply advance angle.

6. Replace the piston rings.

7. Remove carbon deposits or glue.

8. Seal the combustion chamber, grind the valves, and check if the valve springs are broken or deformed.

9. Check the starting preheating device and heat the air inside the intake pipe.

2、 What is the reason why a diesel engine runs smoothly but is unable to function properly?

This is also a common phenomenon that can be divided into two types: one is to suddenly become powerless; Another way is to gradually become powerless during use. The former type is mostly caused by damage to the internal components of the fuel injection pump and its governor, such as broken springs that push the centrifugal weight back into place, and stuck racks. In short, any factor that can unexpectedly limit fuel supply may render diesel engines powerless.

The latter phenomenon can be divided into two categories; One is that the exhaust smoke color remains unchanged when the throttle is high, and the exhaust does not "flush"; Another type is when the throttle is high, the exhaust smoke is thick and black. For the former, it is important to investigate the reasons for insufficient fuel supply. For example, if the closing force of the low-pressure pipeline is too strong, it is blocked, the filter is too dirty, and the fuel supply of the fuel pump is insufficient; The governor of the high-pressure part acts too early, pulling the gear rack towards a small fuel supply without limiting the speed, and excessive wear on the plunger and cam can cause the engine to operate weakly when loaded with oil. For the latter, emphasis should be placed on identifying the causes from aspects such as poor intake and poor atomization of fuel injectors. For example, if the air filter is too dirty, the valve clearance is too small, the piston ring leaks severely, and the fuel injector pressure is not properly calibrated. In addition to the above factors, sometimes the exhaust is not smooth, such as water accumulation in the muffler, decomposition of the partition causing debris to accumulate at the pipe opening, deformation of the throttle lever, inability of the load control lever to touch the full load limit screw, motion blockage, etc., all of which may affect the performance of the purple oil engine's power.

In short, the inability of a gasoline engine should be investigated from the aspects of insufficient fuel supply, poor atomization, uneven intake, poor exhaust, piston ring leakage, and unequal fuel injection timing.

3、 What is the reason for the unstable operation and easy stalling of diesel engines under small and medium loads?

Most diesel engines with this type of malfunction have two or three cylinders that do not work well, and some of them work intermittently. So the sound and exhaust of diesel engines will show some signs, such as emitting some black smoke, discontinuous sound, and even occasionally "shooting". To eliminate this type of malfunction, one should start by searching for the cylinder with poor performance, such as feeling the pulsation of each oil pipe, analyzing the working condition of the fuel injector and outlet valve; Open the high-pressure oil pipe of a certain cylinder and observe the changes in diesel engine operation and exhaust smoke; Listen to the sound analysis to determine the timing of the fuel injection advance angle.

If the high-pressure oil pipe of a certain cylinder is dismantled and the speed and sound of the diesel engine change very little, it indicates that the cylinder is not working well; The greater the change, the better the cylinder will function. If, after disassembly, the original "lo, lo&middle;&middle;" sound immediately disappears or significantly weakens, it indicates that the fuel supply of this cylinder is ahead of schedule and its pre stroke should be adjusted; If the smoke originally emitted but no longer emitted, it indicates poor atomization of the fuel injector in this cylinder.

4、 What is the reason why diesel engines cannot be stopped?

In special circumstances, this type of malfunction is only possible if the fuel stop fork of a diesel engine is damaged or the cable suddenly breaks. When encountering this situation, as long as you hear that the speed of the diesel engine is not high (always idle before stopping fuel), there is no need to panic. Press and hold the brake pedal, shift to high gear, and lift the clutch pedal, it will cause the diesel engine to stop running.

It is worth noting that once encountering situations where the machine cannot be stopped, immediate action must be taken without delay. The functions of the oil stop fork, cable, and start switch must ensure reliable use. Because the fuel cut-off mechanism is not only used for shutdown, but also as an emergency measure to deal with other malfunctions of the fuel injection pump, the key switch must be effective at all times.

Guangzhou Saiwei Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise specializing in the design, production, and installation of generators. Guangzhou Saiwei has many years of experience in engineering design and installation services. For many years, Guangzhou Saiwei has been committed to providing every customer with comprehensive products and energy solutions, including technical consulting, whole machine and generator supply, operation training, etc., with leading technology and first-class quality. The product range covers land diesel generator sets, marine generator sets, high-voltage generator sets, etc., and is widely used in industries such as power, communication, iron towers, healthcare, financial systems, data centers, etc. Welcome to inquire: 13302262088

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