

Focusing on quality pursuit

Mobile trailer
Mobile trailer
Specially designed for users who need short distance mobile power supply between two places, it can be combined with a trailer to form a mobile power station. The trailer chassis is a complete frame structure, equipped with steel plate springs for shock absorption. Cable winches, cables, aviation sockets, etc. can be installed according to user requirements, and the trailer is equipped with manual or pneumatic braking devices. The trailer can turn reliably, and for a four-wheel trailer, its steering angle is 38 degrees on each side. The pull arm is equipped with a buffer device and a parking brake is added. A rain proof silent speaker with a complete intake, exhaust, and drainage system can work in all weather conditions. Both sides can be opened for easy operation and use of the unit, and can also be locked when necessary to ensure safety. The built-in fuel tank can ensure 12 hours of operation. The status of the control screen can be constantly monitored through an observable window.


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